Rowena Anyembe Ndakwe, Yusuf Muchelule


This study sought to look at the components of M&E systems and how they influence performance on organizations. Specifically, the study identified: Data dissemination and use and M&E frameworks, and how they influence performance of Trocaire Somalia as an NGO. The study used a mix expo facto and survey design. The target population included the entire staff of Trocaire in the regional office and frontline workers (208) where a sample of 103 respondents was used. Data for the study was collected through administering questionnaires. The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches, implying that both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were employed. The study used regression analysis to develop a model that explains the relationship the independent variables (M&E components) and the predictor variable (organization performance). The study concludes that data dissemination and use has a positive and significant influence on organization performance. Further, the study found that monitoring and evaluation frameworks have a positive and significant influence on organization performance. From the findings, the study recommends that the top management at Trocaire Somalia should ensure frequent review of the monitoring and evaluation data so as to be in a position to implement the necessary changes to ensure minimization of cost and maximization of resource utilization. Further, the management should adopt and implement employee training programmes to ensure adequate filling of the skill gaps in monitoring and evaluation staff.

Key Words: M&E systems, Data dissemination and use, M&E frameworks, performance of Trocaire 

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