Education is key for social-economic prosperity of a nation. Good infrastructure supports learning. However, most public primary and secondary schools in Kenya lack enough resources and they therefore target NG-CDF for their school construction projects. It is on this basis that the study sought to establish the effects of drivers of timely completion of the NG-CDF school construction projects in Kiambu County, Kenya. Specific objectives were; to establish the effect of project planning, to assess the impact project leadership, to assess the impact of M/E and to evaluate the effect of project risk management on the timely completion of the NG- CDF school construction projects in Kiambu County, Kenya. The study adopted Agency theory, Contingency management theory and Stakeholder’s theory to build up the literature. The study was based on 184 NG-CDF completed school construction projects between 2017 and 2021 in 3 constituencies; Ruiru, Thika Town and Kiambu. Primary data was collection using structured questionnaires with closed-ended questions. Complete enumeration method was adopted for data collection. From a total of 144 questionnaires issued to the school heads and NG-CDF officers, 130 questionnaires were filled and returned forming 90.3% response rate. Reliability of the research instrument was tested to measure the internal consistency of the responses using Cronbach-alpha test with alpha value of 0.7. Descriptive survey method involving quantitative research approach and design was adopted. Descriptive and inferential data analysis was done using SPSS version 25 and presented through percentages, frequencies, mean and standard deviation. Regression and correlation of the variables was analyzed. The study found that project risk management had a positive and significant effect on timely completion of NG-CDF school construction projects. The study recommend that project managers should ensure a holistic project risk management through identifying each potential individual risk and taking possible measures. Although project planning, project leadership and M/E were statistically found to have no significant effect on timely completion, they had a positive effect on timely completion of NG-CDF school construction projects. The study recommends that project managers should; have a well laid project plan and in harmony with the strategic plan, use different leadership styles, ensure participatory M/E; consider capacity building to raise more awareness, offer more training and also ensure task monitoring. The results showed that project planning, project leadership, M/E and project risk management causes 54.3% variation on the timely completion of NG-CDF construction projects therefore further study should be done to cover other factors not included in this study. The study should also be replicated in other counties.
Key Words: timely completion, project planning, project leadershipFull Text:
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