Bernard Kitonga Kiinga, Dr. Godfrey K. Makau, Dr. Samuel Wabala


This study main objective was to determine the critical success factors (CSFs) for e-waste management among government of Kenya ministries. The specific objectives were: to establish the influence of existing legal framework on e-waste management in Government ministries in Kenya and to establish the influence of infrastructure facilities in enhancing e-waste management in Government ministries in Kenya. The study was anchored on the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) theory, The Zero waste theory, the Resource Dependency theory and the Stakeholder theory to conceptualize the study. Descriptive research design was adopted with a target population of all the 22 ministries comprising of 312 ICT officers who were the respondents. The respondents sample size was determined through the Krejcie and Morgan table which resulted to 169 ICT officers. They were then chosen through proportionate stratified random sampling based on 7 strata of ICT cadres for the administering of the semi-structured questionnaires used to collect both qualitative and quantitative primary data. A pilot study involving 17 (10%) respondents was done to check reliability and correct the research instruments. At the end, out of 169 sample, only 131 participated in the study, thus resulting into a response rate of 77.5%.  The 131 questionnaires data was then analyzed into both descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS. The study's findings revealed that e-waste legal framework factors, and e-waste infrastructure status factors had a significant influence on e-waste management. The Study established that legal framework factors had the highest influence with the value of t=4.763, followed by e-waste infrastructure=2.475. The study recommends the formulation of a standalone e-waste ICT standard policy for use among government agencies to effectively manage e-waste and continuous audit of government agencies on compliance with ICT standards for the successful e-waste management


Critical success factors, e-waste management, infrastructure facilities, legal framework Implementation

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