
Workforce diversity is a reality of the 21st Century and thus organisational leaders across the globe are keen to understand workplace diversity and not only create favourable conditions to efficiently utilize the potential of its diverse human resources, but also alleviate the destructive tendencies of diversity. The purpose of this study was to establish the effect of workforce diversity on employee performance in Jumuia Resorts in Kenya. The specific objectives are gender diversity; age diversity; ethnic diversity; and education diversity on employee performance. The study used the Weecha-Maldonado’s Model; Social Identification - Categorisation Theory; Similarity-Attraction Theory; and System Transformation Theory to establish and predict the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Empirical data shows that high levels of diversity improve performance though with some variations. The study would be useful to hotel management as it will help them to manage diversity and take appropriate steps to turn their hotels around and gain competitive advantage over their peers. The study adopted a descriptive research design using census survey method targeting a population of 146 employees of Jumuia Resorts in Kenya. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires which were then analysed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics on SPSS version 20; and summarised using percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The information was presented using tables, charts and figures. The research findings indicated that Gender Diversity and Ethnic Diversity had a positive effect on Employee Performance, while Age Diversity and Education Diversity had a negative effect on Employee Performance of Jumuia Resorts. The findings show that Gender Diversity and Age Diversity had a significant positive and negative effect respectively on the Employee Performance ratings; while Ethnic Diversity and Education Diversity had an insignificant positive and negative effect respectively on the Employee Performance rating, at 95% level of confidence. The study recommends a mix of various and homogenous work teams in each department depending on the circumstances. The study also recommends further research in the hospitality industry as a whole; and that measures of diversity should be enhanced to take into account for the unique feelings of marginalization among employees.

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