Stanley Stephen Bundi, Dr. Samson Paul Nyang’au, Dr. Wanjala Yusuf Muchelule


Kenya hasin many years faced healthcare challenges for most of the citizens and has not achieved universal coverage in health care through NHIF due to a lack of stakeholder engagement. Health projects need financial and non-financial resources from stakeholders and stakeholders often establish the criteria for assessing the implementation of the project. Therefore, this study sought to determine the influence of stakeholder plan management on the implementation of NHIF projects in Kenya. The study also sought to determine the moderating influence of monitoring and evaluation on the relationship between project stakeholder management and implementation of NHIF projects in Kenya.A descriptive research design was adopted with the target population of 110 NHIF management staff responsible for UHC projects implementation. Census sampling technique was adopted. Questionnaires were used for data collection. A pilot study was conducted on 10% of the target population to determine the reliability and validity of the instrument. Quantitative and qualitative data was obtained. Thematic analysis was used to analyze qualitative data and the presentation of results in prose form. Quantitative data was analyzed on SPSS. Inferential and descriptive statistics were used to analyze qualitative data. Frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and percentages were included in descriptive statistics. Inferential data analysis was done using Pearson correlation coefficient, regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to establish the influence of project stakeholder management on the implementation of NHIF projects in Kenya. The results were presented using tables. The study found stakeholder plan management positively and significantly relates with project implementation. The study thus recommends management of NHIF to improve its plan management, to improve project implementation. It is also important for them to introduce monitoring and evaluation to improve effectiveness of the strategies adopted

Key Words:stakeholder plan management, implementation, monitoring and evaluation 

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