Evelyne Karimi Muriiki, Dr. AnneMarie Wairimu Mungai


The goal of this study was to identify the key success variables that have influence the monitoring and evaluation of community-based development initiatives in Wajir County, Kenya. The study evaluated how community interests and influence of politics affect community-based development initiatives in Wajir County, Kenya. With the target population of Public Benefits Organizations in Wajir County, which includes NGOs, CBOs, and self-help Groups, the study used descriptive research methodologies. 133 Public Benefits Organizations made up the study's target group. The Yamane formula was used in the study to come up with 100 respondents. The researcher prepared a set of questions to collect data. Pilot study was conducted to evaluate the validity of the questionnaire. Pilot test was conducted with 10 respondents, or 10% of the study's sample size. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 28 was used to evaluate the collected data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to examine the association between this study’s variables. The findings were presented in tables. Findings show that; there is a moderate significant relationship between community interests and monitoring and evaluation of community-based development projects, a weak insignificant relationship between political influence and project monitoring and evaluation (r = 0.085, p-value=0.660). The study recommends that; community should be sensitized on the importance of their participation in projects that are to be implemented in their locality, the government should come up with a policy to tame political influence on a project, organizations involved in community projects should allocate adequate funding for motoring and evaluation

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