Dennis Sekeyan Lekaitau, Dr. Dennis Juma


Various studies have reviewed workforce diversity to have effect on employee performance at different areas but none have dwelled at Kenya School of Government. Therefore, the study was carried out an assessment to determine the effect of workforce diversity on employee          performance at Kenya School of Government. The study was guided by the following study objectives: To determine the effect of ethnicity diversity on employee performance at Kenya School of Government, and to examine the effect of level of education diversity on employee       performance at Kenya School of Government. The study was underpinned by the following theories Primordia list approach to ethnicity theory, Cognitive diversity hypothesis theory. The study was employed with descriptive study design. The target population of 552 and sample size of 232 respondents was included, that was senior management, middle level management, support management and lower Cadre. The study instruments used in this study was questionnaire. The presentation of the quantitative data from the coded closed ended questions was tabulated using tables, charts, graphs with aid of SPSS software. The analysis of the results can be used to sort out the challenges faced by the organization. The study concludes that objectivity of workforce diversity has positive and significant influence on employees performance at Kenya School of Government. This study therefore recommends that Kenya School of Government should put into consideration factors like recruitment and selection process, competency skills, implementing diversity policies and adopting the best HRM practices.

Key Words: Workforce diversity, ethnicity diversity, education diversity

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