Jane Wamboi Wainaina, Dr. Maurice Pedo


The main objective of this study was therefore to find out how project leadership practices influence implementation of water projects. The specific objective of this study was to determine the influence of communication style, and leadership styles on implementation of water projects in Machakos County. The study was based on Communication Accommodation theory, and Leadership Behavioural theory. The study adopted descriptive survey design and the target population was 350 project managers, project team members, community leaders and project consultants involved in water projects in Machakos County Kenya. Stratified random sampling was adopted to select a sample size of 187 project managers, project team members, community leaders and project consultants in Machakos County Kenya. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires inform of Likert scale. Filled questionnaires were reviewed for completeness and then coded and entered in SPSS. Data analysis involved both descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysed data was presented inform of tables together with associated explanations. The study concludes that communication style has a significant effect on implementation of water projects in Machakos County, Kenya. In addition, the study concludes that leadership style has a significant effect on implementation of water projects in Machakos County, Kenya. Based on the findings, this study recommends that the management effective and regular communication on the progress of projects to enhance performance. In addition, the study recommends regular training of the project team members to equip them with the necessary skills to enhance implementation of water projects in Machakos County.

Key Words: project leadership practices, communication style, leadership styles

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