Charity Kimotho, Monica Ngetich


The research objective of the study was to determine the integration of organizational goals with individual goals as a basis of competitive advantage for Bata Shoe Company Limited, Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was all the three hundred and five employees working in the company. The study adopted stratified sampling techniques in selection of respondents for the study. The study used primary data that was collected through self-administered questionnaires containing both open ended and closed questions. The data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics. The study found out that sharing of organizational goals in the company resulted in improved employee level of engagement at the work place as well increasing employee productivity and faster execution of the organization strategy which ensured that the company responds to market changes before competitors. Individual interest was found to be important to the company it helps in fostering good relationship between the management and employees thus employees ought to be trained on programmes that improve employee-organization identification. Integration of organizational and individual goals was found to have enabled the company achieve competitive advantage through improved innovation, creation of synergy between the two resources and reduces sub-optimization, genuine empowerment and enhancement of employees’ sense of ownership to the organization. The study recommends that Bata Shoe Company should adapt and develop their organization goals with individual goals to overcome competition from other companies. The study further recommends that organizational and individual goals alignment in the company should be pursued as it allows knowledge and expertise inherent in the existing management infrastructure and thus resulting in a competitive advantage that will positively affect business performance.

Key Words: integration, organizational goals, individual goals, competitive advantage 

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