Josephine Kale Mwakisaghu, Dr. Karim Omido, Dr. Patrick Kimaku


The research purposes to ascertain the influence of planning and execution of strategies in Taita Taveta County public high schools. The main aim of the study was to determine if the adoption of strategic planning affects the performance of Taita Taveta County's public secondary schools. Additionally, to ascertain the influence of strategic plan implementation on infrastructure development in Taita Taveta County's public secondary schools. The descriptive research approach was employed. Structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data in 67 public secondary schools in Taita Taveta County. 67 public secondary schools with strategic plans were chosen  through purposive sampling   from a list  of 87 public secondary schools on data provided by the Ministry of Education office in Taita Taveta County. Based on Strategic Plan Practises all schools have strategic plans and mission statement, 98% of the schools  have long and short term goals, 98% of the schools have set objectives  and 97% of the schools conducted  environmental analysis. The findings on level of implementation of infrastructure development indicated an average mean of 3.11 which is at moderate level. The average mean of 3.25 indicate that the schools to a moderate extent have challenges in strategic plan implementation. The findings on infrastructural development within the last five years had an average mean of 2.77 which is moderate. The research was founded on the work of Henry Mintzberg (1991) who advocated for a resource-based perspective and resource reliance. Similarly, a strategic plan determines what the organization intends to achieve in a specified time frame. [1]

[1]Mwakisaghu, J. K., Omido, K. & Kimaku, P., (2023). Strategic Plan Implementation and Its Influence on Infrastructure Development in Public Secondary Schools in Taita Taveta County, Kenya. International Journal of Social Science Management and Entrepreneurship, 7(2023), 321-332


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