John Gichuki Kariuki, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule


Background: Kenya adopted a new Constitution on 27th August 2010 that introduced the devolution of political power, functions, and resources to the newly formed forty-seven county governments. This is what has been described as a devolved system of government in which the Kenyan people were determined to devolve governance and decision-making powers to counties so as to give them greater say on how their resources could be harnessed and utilized. This study aimed to establish the influence of decentralization on service delivery in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to: establish the influence of fiscal decentralization in Nyeri County.

Materials and Methods: The study used descriptive survey design, the targeted population included 145 representatives from Nyeri County were a sample of 106 was drawn. The questionnaire was the main data collection instrument. A pilot study was conducted in Kiambu County where 10% of the sample was administered with questionnaire to check for validity and reliability.  Both descriptive and inferential analysis was done using SPSS (24).

Results: The findings from the analysis established that decentralization explained 60.5% of variation in service delivery. The study found that the county government met the budget for the locally generated revenue in the last financial year and the county also has the authority to set rates and charges for devolved services. However, the study didn’t find any evidence that the county government had sufficient power to make decisions on raising revenue; consultation made by the national government in regards to new taxes that affect the counties; the county government of Nyeri borrows from the national Government; the county had the authority to incur debt; and whether the county had powers to decide on how to spend the county revenue.

Conclusion: Based on the findings, the study concludes that, decentralization has a significant influence on service delivery. Fiscal decentralization significantly influences service delivery in Nyeri County though to some small extent.  The study found significant statistical evidence to suggest Fiscal Decentralization positively influence Service delivery in Nyeri County.

Key Word: Decentralization; Fiscal Decentralization; Service Delivery.

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