Talent management has over the recent past been gaining popularity among organization management, shareholders and academicians. This has been attributed to the growing importance of Human Resource giving an organization competitive advantage. The study sought to establish effect of talent management on organization performance in conservation agencies in Kenya. The conservation agencies derive their mandate from various Acts of Parliament example, The Wildlife Conservation and Management Act and The Forest Act 2005 with the mandate to manage the biodiversity of the country by protecting and conserving the flora and fauna through enforcement of related laws and regulations. The study was guided by four specific objectives namely: To determine the effect of recruitment on organizational performance in conservation agencies in Kenya; To establish the effect of selection on organizational performance in conservation agencies in Kenya; To determine the effect of employee development on organizational performance in conservation agencies in Kenya and To determine the effect of reward structure on organization performance in conservation agencies in Kenya. Theoretical and empirical literature was adopted for the study. Descriptive research design was utilized to guide the study. The study sought response from eighteen Human Resource Managers within the agencies. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. Data was analyzed with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences; findings were presented using tables and pie charts. Inferential statistical was used where independent variables were regressed against dependent variables to form a regression equation. From the analysis the study found out that recruitment, selection, employee development and reward structure are statistically significant predictors of performance in conservancy agencies. Under recruitment the study revealed job interview, job advertising, ability test and recruitment agencies were of great importance during recruitment of employees, in relation to selection the study found out that that during selection, employee engagement, staff orientation, environmental fit and experience if well mixed have a positive impact on performance of organizations. The study found out that agencies have policies guiding selection and career experience was a factor in performance. The study found that employee development variable competency assessment, performance agreement, recognition reward and room for individual career development have a positive impact on performance of organizations. The study found that reward structure variable compensation, benefits, recognition and appreciation are significant indicators of reward structure. Management of conservancy agencies should consider incorporating this factors in reward structure of their employees so that organizations are able to retain high quality staff that are the engine of organization performance The study concluded that performance of an organization depends on the talent that the organization attracts, retains and trains for better performance.
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