Emma Wamaitha Mbugua, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule


Cloud computing has surfaced as a transformative technology with the eventuality to revise the agriculture industry. Cloud computing technology and agriculture practices was a crucial research area to cover, to increase farm productivity. In recent times, cloud- based results have been increasingly integrated into agricultural practices, offering growers and stakeholders access to advanced data analytics, remote monitoring, and perfection agriculture capabilities. Cloud computing in agriculture encompasses operations, from crop operation and supply chain optimization of end products. Farmers are now using cloud- based platforms to collect, store, and dissect vast quantities of data from detectors, satellites, and literal records. This data- driven approach enables informed decision-making, resource optimization, and bettered agriculture issues. The benefits of cloud computing in agriculture are multifarious. It empowers growers to make data- driven opinions, optimize resource allocation, and enhance crop yields while reducing input costs. Precision agriculture, made possible through Cloud- computing technology tools, allows for targeted irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, leading to further sustainable agriculture practices. Cloud computing platforms also facilitated real- time access to request information, enabling farmers to make informed choices about when and where to sell their products. However, the relinquishment of cloud computing in agriculture isn't without challenges, espousing this technology and ensuring that small- scale and resource- constrained growers can pierce and profit from cloud technology which remains a challenge in numerous regions. The research data was collected from 196 staff members and farmers within Nyandarua county that consisted of ICT, communication, finance, administration, agriculture, Economic planning, trade and youth empowerment departments. Primary data was collected by the use administered questionnaire and secondary data from Nyandarua County government materials and records. The questionnaires were reviewed and evaluated for content validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics was utilized in the analysis of data and presented by means of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V27). Analyzed data was in the form of graphs, tables and charts while qualitative findings were presented thematically.  It is thus governments and associations to increasingly recognize the significance of bridging the digital peak in agriculture to ensure equitable access to technology- driven benefits for all growers.

Key Words: Cloud computing technology, agriculture practices, Stakeholders’ Engagement, Policy Regulation, Performance, Agriculture Projects, Nyandarua County

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