Billygraham Miyiziru Musonye, Dr. Paul Machoka


The decline in procurement efficiency, with a cycle time increase from 60 to 75 days, underscores operational challenges in obtaining crucial supplies promptly. Supplier evaluation practices' decline in meeting performance criteria, from 75% to 57%, indicates challenges in maintaining reliable suppliers. This study sought to assess the procurement Practices on Performance of Humanitarian Organizations in Nairobi City County in Kenya. Specifically, the study focused on establishing the effect of procurement process on performance of Humanitarian Organizations in Nairobi City County in Kenya and analyzing the effect ethical considerations on performance of Humanitarian Organizations in Nairobi City County in Kenya. The study adopted a descriptive survey design, utilizing both qualitative and quantitative methods to gather data from 130 respondents that engage in Procurement Practices of the 10 HOs in NCC, Kenya. Data was collected from the respondents through questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 28 and presented in form of tables and figures while explanations were given in prose. The study concludes that procurement process has a positive and significant effect on performance of Humanitarian Organizations in Nairobi City County in Kenya. The study also concludes that ethical considerations has a positive and significant effect on performance of Humanitarian Organizations in Nairobi City County in Kenya. From the findings, this study recommends that the management of Humanitarian Organizations should enhance the needs analysis phase by ensuring it is thorough, accurate, and reflective of the current situation on the ground.


Key Words: Procurement Practices, Procurement Process and Ethical Considerations

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