Jane Njoroge, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule


Background: This study sought to investigate the influence of team management practices and performance of Water Projects in Kiambu County Kenya. The study considered Team Management Skills and Team monitoring as the independent variables while performance of water projects was the dependent variable.

Methodology: The study used descriptive research design and explanatory research design. The target population was 103 water projects (comprising of water schemes, water pan, boreholes, springs etc.) as mentioned in the in Kiambu county Integrated development plan. The respondents of the study were 321 individuals involved in water projects including various water agencies in Kiambu County. A sample of 187 respondents was drawn for the population of 321.

Findings: In the regression analysis team management skills (β = .222   sig = .039) and team monitoring (β = .441   sig = .009) significantly influenced performance of water projects in Kiambu County. Team monitoring (Beta = .497) had the highest influence on performance of water project followed by team management skills (Beta = .271).

Keywords: Team management practices, team monitoring, team management skills, performance of water projects.

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