Ali Jelle Adan, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule



This study sought to establish the influence of project risk management practice on performance of renewable energy projects in North Eastern region in Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to: determine the influence of project risk identification; assess the influence of project risk response on performance of renewable energy projects in North Eastern region in Kenya. The study was underpinned by the control theory. The study focused renewable energy projects under KOSAP in North Eastern region of Kenya. Descriptive survey design was adopted. The target population included around 57 projects for Solar, and bio-energy in North Eastern Kenya.  The unit of observation was 232 respondents that included of project managers from each of the 57 projects; project representatives from 10 renewable companies, 150 beneficiaries of the community facilities; and 15 representatives of the implementing agencies comprising of MoE, KPLC & REREC.  A sample of 147 was drawn. The study found that risk identification and risk response had positive significant influence on performance of renewable energy projects in North Eastern region in Kenya. The study recommdended that renewable energy projects should use brainstorming, expert judgement, and historical data in identifying the risk of the projects. All the possible risks of the project should also be listed.

Keywords: Project risk management practices, risk identification, risk response, performance of renewable energy projects

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