John Menza Iha, Dr. Mary Kamaara


Worldwide workers respond quite differently to work settings, which poses challenges for independent constitutional commissions operating in numerous countries that need adjustments to human resource practices to optimize performance levels at the workplace. This study sought to establish the influence of work-life balance on performance of independent constitutional commissions in Kenya. The study focused on the following specific objectives; organizational policies and personnel management and one dependent variable; employee performance. The study was anchored in the following theories; spillover, organizational support, integration theory and social exchange. The study adopted descriptive research design. The study collected both primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected using structure and non-structured questionnaire while the secondary data was collected through in-depth review of published work and journals. The target population of the study was the eleven (11) independent commissions in Kenya. The sample size of the study was eighty-eight (88) comprising of commissioners and secretariats. The study used multiple regression model to depict the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Statistical packages for social sciences (SPSS) version 28 were used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data was analyzed through content analysis. The results were presented in tables, graphs and pie charts. In addition, the study concludes that organization policies have a positive and significant effect on employee performance in independent constitutional commissions in Kenya. The study also concludes that human resource management has a positive and significant effect on employee performance in independent constitutional commissions in Kenya. This study therefore recommends that flexible policies be set within the independent constitutional commissions to allow for healthy working conditions. In addition this study therefore recommends that independent constitutional commissions should ensure there is effective systems for working time and that employees are accorded retirement benefits.


Key Words: Work-Life Balance, Management Practices, Human Resource Management, Employee Performance

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