Kevin Mulekhanu Ingara, Dr. Jane Omwenga


The study examines how strategies such as market expansion and resource utilization influence organizational performance of airlines in Kenya, a case of Kenya airways. Positivist approach was employed since the study aimed to generate knowledge through testing of hypothesis. A descriptive research design was adopted to describe the relationship among different strategic approaches and organizational performance. The target population included executives, management teams, and employees across various departments within Kenya Airways. A stratified random sampling technique was utilized to select a representative sample of 138 respondents. The descriptive statistics illustrate varying levels of engagement across different aspects of market expansion Strategies, ranging from proactive market expansion strategies to innovative marketing approaches. The regression analysis reinforces these findings, with market expansion strategies exhibiting a statistically significant positive coefficient, indicating its substantial impact on organizational performance. As for resource utilization, Kenya Airways demonstrates a strong dedication to efficient resource management through meticulous inventory control to monitor resource utilization. There is a strong positive relationship between resource utilization and organizational performance, emphasizing the importance of strategic resource allocation to improve operational results and competitive positioning in the Kenyan aviation industry.

Keywords: strategic approaches, organizational performance of airlines, resource utilization, market expansion, Kenya airways

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