Stanley Mwangi Maina, Dr. Mary Omondi


Purpose: The aim of this study was was to establish the reward management practices on employee commitment within Machakos County, Kenya.  The specific objectives were to determine influence of recognition schemes; and to assess the influence of career progression on employee commitment in Machakos County, Kenya. The study was anchored on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Methodology: In this study, the research strategy adopted was descriptive survey approach. the target population consisted of 286 county government top management workers located in Machakos County. A sample of 166 was drawn using Yamane’s formula. Questionnaire was the main data collection tool, both descriptive and inferential analysis were conducted.

Findings: The study found a positive, significant, and strong correlation (r = 0.672; p<0.001) between recognition schemes and employee commitment in Machakos County, Kenya as well as a significant strong correlation (r = 0.895; p<0.001) between career progression and employee commitment in Machakos County, Kenya. From the regression analysis, recognition schemes significantly influenced employee commitment in Machakos County by 0.330 or 33.0% while career progression significantly influenced employee commitment in Machakos County in Kenya by 0 .560 or 56.0%.

Recommendations: There should be a clear policy outlining the appropriate time for a promotion should be developed by county governments. As the study suggests, this will assist in addressing the problem of discrimination in job promotions. Furthermore, job promotions ought to come with a pay and benefits boost in addition to an expansion in duties and obligations.

 Key words: Employee Commitment, career progression, recognition schemes, reward management practices, Machakos county.

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