John Ndukui Mathenge, Rev. Dr. John N. Karihe


The purpose of the study was to determine the influence of business intelligence strategies on business growth among retail supermarkets in Kenya with an aim of making recommendations. The study sought to establish the influence of  business analytics techniques and business analytics infrastructure on business growth among the large scale supermarkets in Kenya. To achieve this, the researcher reviewed both theoretical and empirical literature, proposed the research methodology that addressed the gaps identified in literature as well as answered the stipulated research questions. The study employed a descriptive research design. The researcher preferred this method because it allowed an in-depth study of the subject. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Pilot study was carried out to establish the validity and reliability of the research instruments. The instruments were designed appropriately according to the study objectives. The data collected was analyzed by use of descriptive and inferential statistics. The study used multiple regression and correlation analysis to show the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables. The data generated was keyed in and analyzed by use of Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version 27 to generate information which was presented using charts, frequencies and percentages. Business analytics technique was found to positively and significantly influence business growth among large scale supermarkets in Nairobi County. Further, business analytics infrastructure positively and significantly influences business growth among large scale supermarkets in Nairobi County. The study thus recommends supermarkets to invest in business analytic techniques which include data mining, programming, and predictive analytics. The study further recommends supermarkets to embrace business analytics infrastructure which includes tools and systems, cloud computing, and combining outsourcing and in-house.

Key Words: Business Intelligence Strategies, Business Analytics Techniques, Business Analytics Infrastructure, Business Growth, Large Scale Supermarkets

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