Esther Njeru, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule


Tremendous implementation of technology on organizations has amplified the use of information systems in various functions and departments for organizational competitive advantage and success. Even though Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) propels this technology rush, little information exists on HRIS in Kenya Police service employees performance forming the focus of this study. To get a clear understanding of the effect of human resource information systems practices on employee performance in Kenya Police Service; this study assesses the levels of systems manipulation of human resource functions like e-recruitment practices and e-payroll management practices on employee performance in Kenya Police Service. This study used a descriptive research design method, by employing both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The target population of the study was220 management staffs in Kenya Police Service, Nairobi. Questionnaires tools were used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data respectively. Stratified sampling was adopted to identify the category of respondents for the study. Qualitative data was analyzed under the thematic method and quantitative data under statistical method. Data was analysed by SPSS version 25 using descriptive and inferential statistics to establish the relationship between the study variables. The findings in the study indicate significant positive associations between various HRIS practices and employee performance within the Kenya Police Service. Specifically, e-recruitment and e-payroll management demonstrated positive impacts on employee performance outcomes with beta coefficients of 0.404, and 0.488 respectively, all with p-values below 0.05. These findings underscore the importance of leveraging HRIS technologies to enhance organizational effectiveness and productivity in law enforcement settings. Based on these results, it is recommended that by leveraging technology to streamline recruitment, and payroll management can improve employee performance, enhance service delivery, and ultimately contribute to greater public safety and security.

Key Words: Human Resource Information Systems Practices, Employee Performance, Kenya Police Service, E-Recruitment, E-Payroll

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