Rosemary Nyakio Muriithi, Dr. Madgalene Ndeto


Organizations worldwide are embracing a new concept in the form of Hybrid work model which will help in curbing the remote work challenges. Organizations are now trying to adopt a hybrid work model which gives the freedom to the employees either to remote work or come physically to office and work. Many organizations worldwide have decided not to keep the physical workplace norm every day. Employers in the telecommunication sector are faced with several human resources challenges including staff retention and motivating the employees. Increasing numbers of corporate mergers and acquisitions have left employees feeling detached from the companies that they served and haunted by concerns of overall job security. The general objective of the study was to examine the relationship between hybrid work systems on employee performance at telecommunication firms in Kenya.  The  specific objectives were to examine effect of job sharing, job autonomy as it relates to employee performance at telecommunication firms in Kenya. The study was  guided by expectancy theory, and self-determination theory. This study employed a cross sectional survey design.  The target population for this study was 318 employees of telecommunication firms Kenya. Yamane 1967 formula was used  to sample 177 staff. To obtain the desired sample of 177 employees, the researcher used simple random sampling. The study used questionnaires to collect data. A pilot study was conducted with 10% of the sample size hence 21 staff. The researcher use content and construct validity. Reliability was tested through Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient method. Quantitative data was coded then analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) computer software version 28. Descriptive and inferential  statistics were used for analysis. Data was tabulated. The findings showed that; there is a  weak  significant relationship between a   strong  significant relationship between job sharing  and employee performance (r=0.647, p=0.000), and a strong significant relationship between job autonomy  and employee   performance (r=0.752, p=0.000). The recommendations are; and the management should constantly  try  to  assign  some  of  their  responsibilities to subordinates and grant them the power to decide  how and when to accomplish the tasks assigned.


Key Words: Hybrid Work Systems, Employee Performance, Telecommunication Firms in Kenya, Job Sharing, Job Autonomy 

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