In the recent past, humanitarian non-governmental organizations have indicated a challenge in their performance as shown by late response for instance. The current study sought to establish the effect of workforce diversity on organizational performance of humanitarian non-governmental organizations in Kenya. Specifically, demographic characteristics diversity, socio-cognitive capacities diversity, functional background diversity and cultural diversity are interrogated. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population for this study was all the 70 humanitarian non-governmental organizations in Kenya. A census approach was used, and the unit of observation was the heads of human resource management. The study used primary data gathered by use of structured questionnaires and captured through a 5-point Likert scale type. Data gathered from the questionnaires was analyzed quantitatively using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) computer software. SPSS which generated both descriptive and inferential statistics was employed. Descriptive statistics including the mean and standard deviation was used to capture the characteristics of the variables under study. Inferential statistics; regression coefficient and bivariate correlation was used to analyze the relationship of the dependent variable and the independent variables. The study found a strong positive correlation between demographic characteristics diversity and organizational performance. Socio-cognitive capacity diversity had a statistically significant association with organizational performance. Further, a strong positive correlation between functional background diversity and organizational performance was established. Functional background diversity and organizational performance were positively related. The study recommends that the management of humanitarian Non-governmental organizations in Kenya must appreciate demographic characteristics of employees for its growing significance in modern organizations and in the society. Further, the humanitarian Non-governmental organizations should embrace socio-cognitive capacity diversity as an essential factor for achieving greater receptivity to change to enhance organizational performance. Also, in order to avoid conflict the humanitarian Non-governmental organizations needs to have their values in line with the employee cultural values.
Keyword: Ethnic diversity, Organizational performance, Self-efficacy and Workforce diversity.
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