Calvins Ochieng Otieno, Dr. Miriam Thogori


This study examines the influence of lean supply chain management practices on the performance of manufacturing firms in Nairobi County, Kenya, specifically within the Chemical & Allied sector. It focuses on key components of lean supply chain management, including lean integration, and lean distribution, as independent variables. Utilizing a purposive sampling approach, the research targets a population of 360 manufacturing companies listed in the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) directory, with a sample size of 192 respondents determined using Yamane’s 1997 formula at a 90% confidence interval and a 0.05 margin of error. The study seeks to identify the relationship between these lean practices and firm performance, highlighting their significance in enhancing operational efficiency, reducing waste, and improving overall firm outcomes. The findings are expected to provide practical insights for firms, particularly within the Chemical & Allied sector, demonstrating how strategic implementation of lean practices can lead to competitive advantages. Moreover, the research contextualizes these insights within the broader manufacturing landscape of Nairobi, encompassing sectors like Food & Beverage, Plastics & Rubber, and Pharmaceuticals, thereby offering a comprehensive understanding of how lean practices can potentially enhance performance across diverse manufacturing environments.

Key Words: Lean Supply Chain Management Practices, Performance of Manufacturing Firms, Lean Supply Chain Management, Lean Integration, Lean Distribution

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