Brenda Milkah Oseko, Dr. Anthony Osoro


The purpose of the study was  to determine the relationship between procurement management practices  and performance of level four hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The specific objective were: vendor control and pre-qualification vendors. The study use descriptive research design, where both qualitative and quantitative research was  applied. The target population was  216 respondents from the concerned departments in Nairobi city county, Kenya. The researcher will carry census survey since respondents are manageable. The research technique was purposive sampling techniques. 10% (22)  of the respondents were pilot tested for validity and reliability of the research instrument. Data was  analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science version 26 and the same in now  presented in a form of tables and figures. The results from reliability and content validity test was reliable since the result was above 0.7 and 0.5 respectively. This study concludes and recommends that all the level fours hospital performance can only improve if this research finding   is implemented , also other hospital to embrace the same by over 80.9%. The study found that a unit change in vendor control would thus lead to a .453 effect on  performance of level four hospitals in Nairobi City County in Kenya sector ceteris paribus and a unit change in pre-qualification of vendors would lead to .254 of  sector. The study recommend that Vendor control formalizes relations between processes within a robust legal framework, but is much more besides; it is an opportunity to define the arrangements that encompass every aspect of what outcomes the Nairobi City County in Kenya wants from the strategic  and how it wants the relationship to work. This researcher recommends that pre-qualification of vendors had a strong relationship with performance of level four hospitals in Nairobi City County, Kenya. When relationship are not properly managed, they may cause strategic delays, undermine team spirit, increase delay costs, and, above all, damage business relationships.

Key Words: Procurement Management Practices, Performance of Level Four Hospitals, Vendor Control, Pre-Qualification

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