Esther Nekesa Makokha, Dr. Anthony Osoro


The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between strategic transformation management and performance of public organizations in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The specific objectives were: defining strategy and integration strategies of transformation. This study was anchored on different relevant theories.  The research study used descriptive research design, where both qualitative and quantitative research were applied. The target population was 122 respondents from the concerned organizations in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The researcher carried out a census survey since respondents were manageable. The research technique was purposive random sampling technique to all the respondents.  A pilot test of 10% from the entire elements was done for validity and reliability of the research instrument, Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science version 28 and the same presented in form of tables and figures. Pilot test showed that the research instruments had over 0.7 for reliability and over 0.5 for content validity results. The study can now confidently conclude and recommend that defining strategy and integration strategy had a strong effect on performance of public organizations in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. Therefore, there was need to do more research in the area of strategic transformation management and performance of public organizations in Trans Nzoia County and Kenya at large. A unit change in defining strategy would thus lead to a .463 effect on performance of public organization in Trans Nzoia County in Kenya sector ceteris paribus; further unit change in integration strategy would lead to .254 increase in effect on performance of public organization in Trans Nzoia County in Kenya. The study recommend that Defining strategy formalizes relations between processes within a robust legal framework, but is much more besides; it is an opportunity to define the arrangements that encompass every aspect of what outcomes the Trans Nzoia County in Kenya wants from the strategic  and how it wants the relationship to work.


Key Words: Strategic Transformation Management, Performance of Public Organizations, Defining Strategy, Integration Strategies of Transformation

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