C N Kirichu, P K Ngugi, K Karanja


The topic on Transformational leadership has become central to many organizations. The debate in this area has extremely grown both nationally and internationally. Despite the devolved systems being in place for over a decade, there are concerns about performance of devolved government. They have continued to face sharp critism due to inadequate leadership capacities among other contributing factors. This study therefore, sought to examine the relationship of individualized consideration to the performance of devolved government in Kenya and to assess the moderating effect of governance structure on the relationship between Individualised Consideration and performance of devolved in Kenya. The study was anchored on two theories of transformational leadership theory and Collaborative governance theory. The study adopted descriptive correlational research design and used the positivism research paradigm. The unit of analysis was all the 47 counties in Kenya, while the unit of observation were key county informants namely County Secretary, Chief Officers and Directors. The target population for this study was 47 county key informants. The study employed census as a sampling method. Primary data was used and was collected using questionnaires. Questionnaires were pilot tested on 5 organisations to test for reliability and validity. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 29 software. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and presented in tables and figures. The study also computed correlation and regression analyses to test the relationship between the study variables and hypotheses. The study found out that there is a positive significant relationship between performance of devolved government in Kenya and individualized consideration. Additionally, the governance structure was found to have a strong positive moderating effect on the relationship between individualized consideration and performance of devolved government in Kenya. Based on the findings of the study, it is recommended that leaders in devolved governments in Kenya should adopt having individualised consideration strategies through understanding the unique needs and concerns of employees as demonstrated through coaching and mentoring, supporting career development, encouraging change of mind set through reward systems and encouraging resilience by fostering a positive work environment thus enhancing improved performance in the organisation.

Keywords: Individualised Consideration, performance, governance structure, devolved government 

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