Alexis Uwamahoro, Ismail Shale Noor, Elizabeth Wachiuri


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of information sharing on the relationship between communication integration and the performance of manufacturing SMEs in Rwanda.  The study adopted an explanatory research design and positivist research philosophy. The study population was 682 managers of manufacturing firms. A stratified random sampling technique was used to select the required sample to select a sample size of respondents from each stratum. This study used the network Theory. The pilot study was carried out in twelve (12) manufacturing firms where 25 questionnaires were distributed.  All the variables tested in the pilot study were found to have Cronbach alpha value greater than 0.7. This suggests that all the questionnaires were reliable for the study. Therefore, the questionnaire was valid and reliable and was used to collect data for this study. Inferential statistics, including Pearson correlation and the multiple regression analysis model, were used to test the relationship between study variables. The significance of the model was tested at 5% level of significance. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26 and the same was presented in the form of tables, figures, and histograms. The pilot results were good for construct validity and reliability tests. The study concluded and recommended that communication integration has a great impact on the performance of manufacturing firms in Rwanda.

Key Words: Information Sharing, Communication Integration, Performance of Manufacturing SMEs in Rwanda, Network Theory

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