Rose Chepchirchir Mutai, Dr. Annastacia Musembi


The primary aim of the study was to investigate the impact of project planning on the successful implementation of HIV/AIDS programs in Kisumu County, Kenya. The specific objectives focused on exploring the influence of assessing project financial planning and examining human resource planning in relation to HIV/AIDS program implementation. A simple random sampling method was employed to select ten (10) directors and one hundred (100) guidance and counseling officers, yielding a total sample of one hundred and ten (N=110) participants. Data collection involved using a questionnaire for guidance and counseling officers and an interview schedule for the directors. Analysis was performed using SPSS (Version 22.0), with descriptive statistics presented in tables and figures using frequencies and percentages. The findings indicated that solid financial planning, and efficient schedule management were crucial for the successful implementation of HIV/AIDS programs. Notably, 75% of respondents indicated that stakeholder involvement improved program relevance, while 70% stressed the importance of financial expertise in project management. Furthermore, 78% of participants believed that structured timelines were essential for maintaining project progress. In light of these findings, the study recommended enhancing stakeholder participation in program planning to boost effectiveness. It also advised project managers to cultivate financial management skills to improve resource allocation and ensure sustainability. Additionally, the incorporation of adaptive planning in schedule management was suggested to better navigate unforeseen challenges during program execution.


Key Words: Project Planning, Project Financial Planning, Human Resource Planning, HIV/AIDS Program Implementation

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