Maureen Achieng Okumu, Dr. Thomas Mose, Lorna Kerubo Nyamwaro


The transport and logistics sector is a major victim of Covid-19. The industry, which is driven by facilitating cargo movement to or from different geographical locations, supports key economic sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, aid and relief, construction, education amongst others. However, the interventions to stop the spread of the Covid-19 have made it challenging if not impossible to move goods from point A to B thus affecting trade between regions. This study therefore sought to establish the influence of teleworking on performance of clearing and forwarding firms in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to establish the influence of flexible working arrangement on performance of clearing and forwarding firms in Nairobi city county, Kenya and to determine the effect of professional isolation on performance of clearing and forwarding firms in Nairobi city county, Kenya. This study used of a descriptive research design. The unit of analysis in this study was the 450 clearing and forwarding firms operating in Nairobi County. The study targeted 900 respondents. Primary data was collected through use of questionaires. Quantitative and qualitative data was generated from the closed-ended and open-ended questions, respectively. Qualitative data was analyzed on thematic basis and the findings provided in a narrative form. Inferential and descriptive statistics were employed for analysis of quantitative data with the assistance of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 25). Descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution, mean (measure of dispersion), standard deviation, and percentages were used. Inferential data analysis was conducted by use of Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The study results were presented through use of tables and figures. The study concludes that flexible working arrangement has a significant effect on performance of clearing and forwarding firms in Nairobi city county, Kenya. Further, the study concludes that professional isolation has a significant effect on performance of clearing and forwarding firms in Nairobi city county, Kenya. From the results, the study recommends that the management of clearing and forwarding firms should continue embracing flexible working arrangement during the COVID 19 period. In addition, the study recommends that the management of clearing and forwarding firms should continue embracing temporary contracts arrangement during the COVID 19 period.

Key Words: Teleworking, Flexible Working Arrangement and Professional Isolation

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