Julius Mong’are Anari, Dr. Jane Queen Omwenga


The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between scope verification and performance of digitization projects in Kenya. The study was guided by three key theories: Theory of Constraint, Contingency theory, Theory of Change and the Systems Theory. The study employed a descriptive research design utilizing questionnaires as the primary data collection method, emphasizing a positivism philosophy grounded in quantifiable observations and statistical analysis. The target population encompassed various roles within of digitization projects, totaling 150 individuals, with a sample size of 109 determined through simple random sampling. Reliability was assessed through a pilot test, utilizing Cronbach's Alpha, and statistical techniques were employed for data analysis, including descriptive statistics, multiple regression analysis, and statistical tests such as ANOVA. The study analyzed the research question related to the influence of scope verification and performance of digitization projects in state agencies in Kenya. The study identified a substantial positive influence of scope verification on the performance of digitization projects in state agencies in Kenya as scope verification explained an impressive 36.6% of the variability in project performance (R² = 0.366, F(1, 80) = 46.206, p < 0.000). In conclusion, the study emphasizes the crucial role of scope verification in the performance of digitization projects in state agencies in, Kenya. The findings reveal a substantial positive correlation, indicating that proper scope verification significantly contributes to project performance. Based on the study findings, it is recommended that state agencies and general public should prioritize and enhance scope verification strategies to ensure the effective performance of digitization projects in Kenya. This involves fostering transparent scope validation, conducting regular project metrics and variance analysis.

Key words: Scope verification, Performance, Digitization projects, State agencies, Project success.

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