Moses Ochieng Wadeguh, Dr. Jared Deya


This study aimed to determine the influences of drivers of trust on the performance of firms in the insurance industry in Kenya. Specifically, the study: determined the influence of organizational capability and goodwill on the performance of firms in the insurance industry in Nairobi City County in Kenya. The study employed a descriptive survey research design.  Purposive sampling was employed to select 17 insurance firms and random sampling employed to select 83 middle level managers from the 17 insurance firms to participate in the study Data collection instruments included semi-structured questionnaires and document reviews. The collected data was captured in MS Excel and analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation, and Inferential statistical analysis techniques such as regression and correlation analysis was used to analyze the collected data. The analyzed data was presented in suitable graphs, charts and tables. Results of the study showed significant influence of trust drivers on the performance of insurance firms in Nairobi City County, Kenya. The trust drivers (organizational capability, organizational goodwill showed relationship with performance of firms in the insurance industry in Nairobi City County. There was a positive relationship between organizational capability, organizational  and performance of firms in the insurance industry.

Key Words: Drivers of Trust, Organizational Capability, Organizational Goodwill, Performance of Firms in the Insurance Industry 

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