Otieno Dina, Ongera Ruth, Kipngetich Robert, Indara Selline


The study sought to determine the effect of talent management on performance of agrochemicals companies in Kenya. The study specifically aimed at analysing the effect of career management on organization performance of agrochemicals companies in Kenya and to determine the effect of learning and development on organizational performance in agrochemicals companies in Kenya. Cross-sectional survey designs were used and stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to enable select the respondents from the ten stratums of agrochemicals companies. The study population was 534 top managers of agrochemicals companies. A sample size of 224 respondents was picked from the ten stratum of the agrochemicals companies. Questionnaires were the main instruments of data collection. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22. Correlation coefficient was used to test for the strength of the relationship between dependent and the independent variables. Research findings were presented in form of graphs, tables, mean, frequencies and charts. The study found that the talent management had positive and significant influence on organization performance. It is recommended that talent management practices should be emphasized as doing so brings about superior organizational performance. The particular practices should include talent attraction, talent retention, learning and development and career management.

Keyword: Organizational Performance, Career Management, Learning and Development, And Talent Management

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