Jeniffer Kalunda Kiema, Dr. Josphat Kwasira


A good relationship between employer and employees impacts positively workforce performance. Hence, employee relations involve the creation of a working environment that motivates employees toward the realization of organizational goals. Employee relations is an aspect of human resource management that impacts the employee performance and productivity of an organization. Contributors to poor employee relations include inadequate human resource capacity, unfair compensation practices, employee-employer battles, lack of employee engagement, industrial unrest, inadequate proper working tools and infrastructures, staff turnover, and weak governance leadership among other challenges that have threatened the service delivery. The study's general objective was to examine employee relations practices and nurses' performance in Nairobi referral hospitals. The study's specific objectives were to determine the effects of employee engagement, compensation, conflict resolution, and safety on the performance of nurses in referral hospitals in Nairobi. The study was underpinned by four theories namely, engagement theory by William Khan, equity theory by Adams, conflict theory by Karl Max, and human relation theory by Elton Mayo. The study adopted a descriptive research design with a sample of 240 respondents selected using a stratified random sampling technique. Collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v29).  The results were presented as figures, charts, tables, and percentages. The findings revealed that employee relations practices that include: collective employee engagement, better compensation, the right channels of conflict resolution, and employee safety had a significant positive effect on nurses' performance in referral hospitals in Nairobi. In conclusion, the study recommended that all levels of management in referral hospitals in Nairobi County are required to embrace employee engagement practices that are critical for building motivated and productive employees. This can be enhanced through employee engagement by improving the working culture in terms of regular support supervision, involvement in decision-making, and implementing regular, structured feedback mechanisms. The need for a. better comprehensive compensation through benchmarking in the prevailing market rates that include both financial and non-financial incentives to attract and retain well-skilled nurses hence preventing their turnover for greener pastures. Additional benefits such as performance-based bonuses, opportunities for professional development, and recognition programs can significantly boost morale and motivation. Introducing grievance redress mechanisms to address current and emerging conflict issues will avert industrial unrest, as well as ensure their safety is safeguarded through the provision of a safe working environment and regular provision of personal protective equipment. Further, training on handling hazardous materials, and clear emergency procedures can significantly reduce workplace accidents and injuries.

Key Words: Employee Relations Practices, compensation, employee safety, Performance of Nurses in  National Referral Hospitals in Nairobi, Kenya

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