Esbon O Moriasi, Ms. Jane Munga, Dr. Clemence Omanwa


This study aims at establishing the factors influencing strategy implementation on mobile service provider in Kenya. Descriptive, qualitative and quantitative sample design was used targeting a random sample of 110 respondents’ branch manager of mobile service providers and a desired simple size of 86 respondents was determined. Data was collected using structure questionnaires and the researcher used stratified and systematic random sampling methods to select the desired sample size. Further the collected data was sorted, coded and analyzed using SPSS and summary statistics such mean scores, standard deviation and inferential statistics namely; correlation and regression results were used to present the data. Bivariate correlations and regression results were also used to test the hypotheses. Organization structure was the most preferred of the four variables, followed by organization system, leadership style and staff culture respectively. Transformational leadership style was found to be preferred, followed by Autocratic, Transactional, participative and laissez faire leadership style. In the organizational system, the priorities of the organization well understood by its employees were the most influential. In the organizational structure, Centralization structure was the most influential, followed by formalization, specialization and decentralization structure respectively. On staff culture, the culture of tolerating new ideas from staff members was disregarded. The study recommended that leaders should require timely and effective decision-making skills and setting vision for others. Secondly, system change progress should be without chaos. Thirdly, a flexible structure should be maintained. Lastly, mobile service providers in Kenya should adopt a new culture that is aligned with the continuously changing environment of technology.


Keywords: Leadership Styles, Strategy Implementation, Organizational Structure, Organizational Systems and Staff Culture Influence

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