Micali Saisi Upendo, Mary Kamara


The basic purpose of employee performance is to enrich the life of employees and to keep them happy and contented. Employee performance is regarded as a force that pushes the employees toward meeting particular goals and objectives of any organization. Cleaning industry is the most ignored sector especially by many researchers who normally focuses their studies on the renowned companies or organizations. It is generally accepted that cleaning services companies are increasingly outsourced and important in terms of employment, wealth creation, and the development of innovation. However many problems encounter this companies and as a result, it leads to poor employee performance. In addition it is generally known and accepted that there is a high mortality rate of cleaning services companies within the first two years. Of late the cleaning services companies have been marred by a lot of complaints from the organizations that have contracted them to provide the said services. Among observed trends are the rate of absenteeism is so high among their employees, cleaners coming in late, high rate of employee turnover and deteriorations of the overall cleanliness hence poor performance ratings from the clients who are not satisfied. Given this high failure rate, it becomes vital to research on the determinants of the employee performance in cleaning services companies in Kenya specifically Nairobi County. The specific objective was to find out how employee empowerment affects employee performance at workplace limited to twenty three cleaning services companies in Kenya, Nairobi County. The study employed a descriptive research design to achieve the objectives. The target population under study was 2000 employees. The study used a questionnaire to collect the required data from a sample of 333 employees. The questionnaire was pilot tested to ascertain the reliability of research instrument using Cronbach Alpha. The data collected was coded, quantified and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data was analyzed by the use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). The study concluded that employee empowerment has significant effect on the employee performance in cleaning service companies in Kenya. From the results, this study recommended that the management cleaning service companies in Kenya should ensure they offer competitive pay, bonuses and insurance policies. In addition, the management cleaning service companies in Kenya should ensure regular staff training of employees to enhance their productivity.

Key Words: employee performance, employee empowerment

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