Victor Omulo Omondi, Yusuf Muchelule


Project Management best practices institutionalization in both public and private sectors plays a critical role in success of projects. Cases of project failure and poor management practices continue to be reported despite many studies having been done highlighting areas that have been weighed and found wanting. These studies have made various recommendations but improvements with regards to institutionalizing best practices in project management remain insignificant especially in the public sector. This study sought to establish the influence of Project Risk Management on performance of Kenya rural roads authority in Siaya County. The study adopted descriptive survey design. This study was targeting the management and various levels of employees working at Kenya rural roads authority in Siaya County. Stratified random sampling design was used to select 380 respondents from the six sub-counties. Primary data was collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaire. Pilot study was conducted to test validity and reliability. Quantitative data was analyzed descriptively using frequencies, Mean, Standard deviation and percentage while Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and Multiple linear regression analysis with aid of SPSS version 25 was used to generate inferential statistics. The data was presented in form of tables. Qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. The research findings indicated that there was a positive significant relationship between Project Risk Management and performance of Kenya rural roads authority in Siaya County. The study therefore recommended that management of projects in Siaya county KURA office to take note of these Project Management Practices. Managers of Projects in Siaya County should take keen note on the best project management approaches/strategies and offer support to subordinates, put in place clear communication channels, have efficient Monitoring mechanisms and always approach organizational changes from a project management perspective. 

Key Words: Project Management, Project Risk Management, performance

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