Purity Makena Mati, Dr. Rukia Atikiya


This study sought to establish the influence of strategy implementation practices on performance of aviation industry in Kenya. The study specifically sought to: assess the influence of performance targets on performance of aviation industry in Kenya; to establish the influence of stakeholder consultation on performance of aviation industry in Kenya. The study was guided by the following theories: Agency theory, Resource Based View. The study used a descriptive survey research design. The study targeted 128 management level employees at Kenya Airways. The study used Krejcie and Morgan (1970) formula to arrive at the sample size. The study sample size was 97 employees. The study used questionnaires as the tool for data collection. The questionnaire was self-administered using drop-and-pick-up later technique. The questionnaire was piloted to a group of 9 managers who were excluded in the actual study. SPSS (version 22) was applied in analysing quantitative data where descriptive statistics was computed and presentations done in percentages, means, SD and frequencies. Displaying of the information was done in table and figures. Pearson R correlation was used to measure strength and the direction of linear relationship between variables. Multiple regression models were fitted to establish the impact of strategy implementation practices on performance of Aviation industry. The study concludes that performance targets has a significant effect on performance of Aviation Industry. In addition, the study concludes that stakeholder consultation has a significant effect on performance of Aviation Industry. From the results, study recommends that the management of Aviation Industry should ensure the set performance targets are achievable and the organization employees work towards achieving the set targets.


Strategy implementation practices, performance targets, stakeholder consultation, aviation industry

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