Monicah Ngetich


The objective of the study was to determine the effect of strategic orientation on the performance of large retail stores in Nairobi. The study specifically sought to establish the effect of market orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation on performance of large retail stores in Nairobi. The research design adopted was descriptive cross sectional research design. The population of the study comprised of all the 15 large retail stores in Nairobi. The study used primary data that were collected through self-administered questionnaires. The data was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics. The regression analysis was used to assess the effect of strategic orientation on the performance of large retail stores in Nairobi. The study established that market orientation enables the retail stores to focus on ensuring that the customers are satisfied through review of business strategy, competitor analysis, customer future needs discussion, focusing more on customers than competitors and dissemination of data on customer satisfaction at all levels. Entrepreneurial orientation was found to have enabled the retail stores to launch new products in the market, adopt aggressive attitude towards competitors, reviewing periodically product development to ensure that they are in line with what customers want, developing innovative actions, and carrying out risky projects when they involve profitable opportunities The regression analysis revealed that the performance of large retail stores was influenced to a large extent by market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation and interaction orientation.

Key Words: strategic orientation, performance, market orientation, and Entrepreneurial orientation

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