Availability of Water is very crucial element in any economic growth and community development. Over the years, Wajir County has undergone several economic challenges as a result of inadequate supply of water and draught resulting in massive death of livestock and poverty among the community members. There has been a concerted effort by the governments of Kenya and Non-government organizations operating in the County to improve the living standards of people through provision of adequate supply of water. These efforts have seen the initiation and implementation and development of Griftu Water project in Wajir under the spirit of devolution. This project was aimed at increasing water availability and security in the Wajir County. However, this can’t be achieved without involving the community in identification of water catchment areas and policy formulation as they plays a pivotal role in water project implementation plan. Considering that the members of the community need to be engaged in development projects for their success, this study sought to establish the effect of community participation on implementation and development of Griftu water project in Wajir County. The specific objectives focused at the effect of Community participation in communication, Community participation in Resource mobilization on implementation and development of Griftu water projects in Wajir County. The study was based on theories of participatory approach and stakeholder’s theory. The study adopted a descriptive research design on a target population of 200 members of households around Griftu location. Stratified random sampling technique was used to come up with a sample size of 131 respondents who formed the key informants on aspects of community participation and their effect on project implementation and development. Primary data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Data analysis was done through descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages and inferential statistics: correlation analysis and multiple linear regression was used to determine the relationship between community participation and implementation & development of Griftu water projects in Wajir County in Kenya. The analyzed data was presented in table, graphs and charts. The study findings revealed presence of a strong positive correlation between community participation in communication and implementation and development of Griftu water project in Wajir County, Kenya. Further, the study found that community participation in resource mobilization had a strong positive correlation with the implementation and development of Griftu water project in Wajir County, Kenya.
Key Words: community participation, implementation and development of water project, Community participation in communication, Community participation in Resource mobilization,Full Text:
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