Jackline Omolloh, Dr. Susan Were, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule, Dr. Andrew Nyerere


Health projects play a fundamental role in the development of a nation and helps in meeting one of the society’s key needs. The study therefore sought to establish the relationship between Risk Management and performance of county referral hospitals in Kenya with the moderating effect of stakeholder participation. The study was based on Agency theory and Stakeholder Theory of Project Management. The study adopted a cross-sectional research design. The study involved 432 respondents drawn from senior hospital superintendents and departmental managers. Data was collected using questionnaires. The study collected quantitative data. The qualitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics analyzed using statistical analysis (SPSS). Data was presented using tables. Findings showed that; risk management had a significant relationship with performance of county referral hospitals, and stakeholder participation moderates the relationship between risk management and performance of county referral hospitals in Kenya. There were risk management strategies, but they were not being effectively executed. The county hospital project managers should ensure that risk management practices are integrated in project implementation since most of the risk management practices were in place but were not effectively executed to ensure performance.

Key Words: Risk management, Performance of County Referral Hospitals, Stakeholder Participation

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