
Management Practices play an important role in organization’s governance structure and performance. This study sought to establish the effects of management practices on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority. The specific objectives were; to examine the effects of team work on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to establish the effects of participatory decision making on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority, to assess the effects of organizational communication on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority and to investigate the effects of delegation on performance of the National Industrial Training Authority in Kenya. This study intended to help the National Industrial Training Authority in Kenya to put in place appropriate management practices that may enhance organizational performance. The study was anchored on the following theories; the upper echelons theory and goal setting theory. Research design adopted in the study was descriptive. The sample of the study was selected using stratified random sampling. The sample size of the study was 171 employees. The study was stratified into the following departments; Finance, HRM, ICT, Audit, Research & Development. Responses were collected using questionnaire. Pilot study was carried out in National Industrial Training Authority within Nairobi City County; this helped to enhance validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Collected data was coded into SPSS for analysis. Descriptive statistics mean, frequency and percentage were used in analyzing quantitative data. The study revealed that team work and organizational performance were statistically significant. Participatory decision making and organizational performance was statistically significant. Organizational communication and organisational performance were statistically significant. Delegation and organizational performance were statistically significant. The study concludes that team work has a positive relationship with organizational performance. Participatory decision making has a positive relationship with organizational performance. Organizational communication has a positive relationship with organizational performance. Delegation is positively related to organizational performance. The management of NITA should promote team work in the organization by first working together in the management level.  The management should look into other employee’s opinion when making decisions in the organization. The employees may have opinions which are helpful for the organization. In order to have organizational performance that is effective and efficient, it is important for the management to embrace; before communicating ensure ideas have clarity; when communicating understand both the physical and the human environment; thorough analysis of communication purpose.

Keywords: Management Practices, Teamwork, Participatory decision making, Organizational communication, Delegation, Financial performance, Customer Satisfaction, Efficiency       Productivity.

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