John Kimotho, Dr. Samson Nyang’au, Dr. Yusuf Muchelule


Sport stadia are some of the most complex and intricate buildings constructed throughout the world. These buildings can be extremely high energy users and take up many acres of city or countryside space. It is imperative that sustainable concepts and strategies, in design, construction, and operations, are used to help protect our environment, and contribute to the communities who house them. Kenya has been struggling in development of sports stadia. The current stadia most of them do not meet the criteria for international matches by CAF/FIFA. The study aims to determine the effect quality cost management on performance of sports stadia construction projects. The study was guided by the total quality management theory. The study targeted 17 stadia projects across the country as the unit of analysis. The unit of observation was 255 respondents involved in the 17 stadia.  A census was adopted. The study used questionnaire to collect primary data. The study found Quality cost management has significant weak correlation (r = .291, sig = .010) with performance of sports stadia construction projects. The study also established that quality cost management explained .084 of variation in performance of sports stadia construction projects. The study recommends thorough appraisal activities to ensure failures related to quality are identified and action taken. There should be a thorough planning of Quality management to ensure sports stadia of high standards and quality are constructed.


KEYWORDS: Project Quality Cost Management, Project Performance, sports stadia construction projects

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