
The study sought to explore influence of job design techniques on employee satisfaction in interior building materials manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County. The study was guided by the following four independent variables; Job Rotation, Job Enrichment, Job Simplification and Job Enlargement.  The dependent variables were Employee Satisfaction. The study used the literature review as derived from research and works by other researchers obtained from journals, manuals, magazines and the internet. It also contained theoretical review as well as the critical review; in addition, it contained the conceptual framework. The study was derived from three major theories of job design; Hertzberg’s two factor theory, Social-technical systems theory and Hackman and Oldham’s job features model.  It aimed at assisting in the problem definition and made it possible to understand what other researchers and writers have done or contributed. The study used the descriptive research design since it dealt with responses using statistics. The methodology and designs used in administering the study included the research design, population target, sampling design, data collection instruments and procedures and data analysis. The population of interest was the employees of interior building materials manufacturing firms in Nairobi City County across various functions and divisions. The study population comprised a total of 920 employees from all the various organizational functions or divisions. Stratified random sampling technique was used to illustrate a sample size of 92 respondents.  Data collected was analyzed by aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Questionnaires were used in collecting data. The study administered and collected complete questionnaires for the analysis and conducted key informant interviews. The study found that: job enrichment had significant positive relationship with employee’s satisfaction; job rotation had significant positive relationship with employee’s satisfaction; job enlargement had significant positive relationship with employee’s satisfaction and job simplification had significant positive relationship with employee’s satisfaction. The study recommends management of manufacturing companies to improve employee’s motivation and productivity, by customizing jobs to increase the motivators present for the employee. Management of manufacturing companies should use its employees appropriately in the place of work while taking caution to ensure that they do not overwork them. Companies should enlarge their jobs with their main focus being increasing the variety of tasks performed by the by the individual, not merely adding more repetitive tasks.

Keywords: Job Design, Job Enrichment, Job Enlargement, Job Rotation, Job simplification, Job satisfaction and Employee satisfaction.

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