Linda Akinyi Randa, Dr. Kenneth Gor


The integration of digital business strategies has become essential for law firms to maintain a competitive advantage. Key pathways include enhancing customer experience, operational efficiency, innovation, agility, service optimization, and fostering collaborations. This study explores the relationship between digital business strategy and strategic partnerships in Tier 1 law firms in Nairobi, Kenya. It specifically examines the influence of digital capabilities, digital coordination on these partnerships. The study is grounded in Resource-Based Theory, and Coordination Theory. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used and data collected from 42 of the 50 Tier 1 law firms in Nairobi. Data were collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Findings reveal that digital capabilities, such as IT infrastructure and training, played a pivotal role in maintaining long-term partnerships, allowing firms to meet evolving client and partner needs. Digital coordination, through the alignment of digital systems and processes across departments, facilitated more effective communication and decision-making. The study recommends that Tier 1 law firms in Nairobi to continue to invest in digital technologies and enhance workforce capabilities to remain competitive. Future research should explore the application of digital strategies in other sectors of the legal industry, with a broader geographic focus to assess varying impacts of digital strategies on partnership dynamics.


Key Words: Tier 1 Law Firms, Digital Business Strategy, Strategic Partnerships, Digital Capabilities, Digital Coordination 

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