Gilbert Mure Tupana, Dr. Paul Kariuki


This study proposal embarked on findings out the influence of Strategic leadership on performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The main aim of this study was to establish the influence Strategic leadership and performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study used the following specific objectives to; establish the influence of Strategy Control and human capacity development on performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya. This study was guided by following theories namely; contingency theory, and dynamic capability theory. The target population of the study consisted of employees of the 39 Commercial Banks licensed in Kenya. The unit of observation comprised of 39 listed Commercials Bank in Kenya while the unit of analysis was the employees in the carder of senior management team, middle-level managers as well as managers at functional level. Systematic random sampling was used to sample 384 employees at the management level. A pilot test of 38 respondents in 4 banks was conducted to detect weaknesses in design and instrumentation. The methodology looked at the research design, study area and population, the sampling procedures and the sample, instruments of data collection, validity and reliability of research instruments, data collection procedures and methods of data analysis. The study preferred a mixed research design. The questionnaire was used as the main mode of data collection. The data was analyzed through the use of descriptive statistics. ANOVA, t-test, Pearson correlation, p- values and coefficient of determination was used in the data analysis. Data was presented using tables, figures, graphs, frequency tables, pie charts and use of histograms, frequency polygons and bar charts. The findings emphasize that effective strategic leadership, characterized by well-communicated visions, data-driven resource allocation, and employee involvement in planning, significantly enhances bank performance. Key recommendations include strategic resource allocation and integrating ethical considerations into organizational culture, which are expected to improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall growth in the competitive banking sector. The study concludes that strategic leadership is a critical factor in organizational performance and success.

Key Words: Strategic Leadership Practices, Strategy Control, Strategic leadership

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