Joshua Makokha Kiberenge, Dr. Anthony (Ph.D) Osoro


This study sought to establish the relationship between of stakeholder engagement and performance of water projects in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. More specifically, the study objectives were: resources mobilization, and risk management on performance of water projects in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. The study was anchored on the following theories; the resource dependence theory and the theory of constraint. The study adopted descriptive research design and targeted 183 respondents from project staff, beneficiaries and KIs of water projects. The sample size using formulae by Yamane (1967) was 126 respondents. Stratified random sampling was used to select respondents. The study collected primary data using the questionnaire. The questionnaires were piloted using 10% (13) respondents from the target population that which was not be included in the final sample. This was to check validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The collected quantitative data was cleaned and entered into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 28. The findings result is now presented using tables and figures. The results of the study are expected to contribute to the current policy debate on project stakeholder engagement and its link with the performance of water projects. The pilot test results was over 0.7 for reliability and 0.5 for content validity. The study concludes and recommends that there was a good relationship between the independent and dependent variable, hence the need to implement this research outcome.

Key Words: Stakeholder Engagement, Performance of Water Projects, Resources Mobilization, Risk Management, Trans Nzoia County

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