Purpose: The study sought to determine the moderating influence of legal & regulatory framework on project governance and sustainability of donor-funded projects in the health sector in Kenya.
Methodology: This study adopted the positivism research philosophy and an explanatory research approach to identify the precursors of sustainability of donor-funded programs in Kenya's health sector. The unit of analysis for the study was eight (8) non-profit making health service provider entities in the health sector in Kenya. The unit of observation was 652 employees working in the health sector. A sample size of 248 which was 38% of the population was used.
Findings: The results indicated project governance has a significant influence on sustainability of donor-funded projects in the health sector in Kenya. There is no significant moderating influence of legal & regulatory framework on the relationship between project governance and sustainability of donor-funded projects in the health sector in Kenya.
Recommendations: To review the prevailing laws and regulations to tighten and align projects sustainability constructs to emerging and future trends in the healthcare industry.
Keywords: project governance, legal & regulatory framework, precursor of sustainability, donor-funded projects
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